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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Primary schools

Primary schools (abbreviated SD; English: Elementary School) is the most basic level of formal education in Indonesia. The elementary school is within 6 years, ranging from grade 1 to grade 6. Currently sixth graders are required to follow the National Examination (formerly Ebtanas) that affect students' graduation. Primary school graduates can continue their education to junior high school (or equivalent).

Elementary school students are generally aged 7-12 years. In Indonesia, every citizen aged 7-15 years are obliged to follow basic education, namely primary school (or equivalent) 6 years and junior high school (or equivalent) 3 years.

Primary schools run by government or private. Since decentralization in 2001, the management of primary schools (SDN) in Indonesia that were previously under the Ministry of National Education, is now the responsibility of local district / city. While the Ministry of Education only act as regulators in the field of national education standards. Structurally, a public elementary school is a technical implementation unit of education

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