Has not disappeared from our memory about the bombing at the Australian Embassy September 10, we again wracked by bombings that although not happen in our country, but the explosion right in front of the Embassy of Indonesia in Paris. Return the name of Indonesia associated with the "bomb". There may also be a link it with the issue of terrorism in Indonesia.
So what to do with the title of this article? Obviously something to do, because anyone bombers must have been an educated person. Whether the education system and how and with what kind of educational goals.
Especially before the cabinet formation in the final days of this, some names appear championed as a minister, in this case the Ministry of Education. Whoever is elected he will, which must have been passed fit and proper test by the president, it is not incontrovertible. What matters now is how we improve the quality of education in our country, so we have a quality human and have a sense of concern for fellow high. So that later there would be no more bombers from Indonesia citizen who ironically resulted in mourning for the victims of their own people.
First, the education minister has always identified with the curriculum change. Any change of cabinet ministers and change, it must be followed by changes in the curriculum. However, with the introduction of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is not expected that the curriculum will always be changing and changing.
CBC itself is still a little worry by some educators. Not because of his CBC, but socialization is still considered less resounding. The task of educators today is to understand the true meaning of the CBC and truthfully so that educators will be able to implement these systems into learning with their students.
But the task of educating not only exist in the burden of educators (teachers) only, all walks of life, a small neighborhood (the family) and the government taking a role in educating the children of the nation.
International Education.
Lately emerging trend in some schools that claim to implement international education. By adopting a foreign curriculum and bring in teachers from the country of origin of the curriculum, these schools dare mention that their curriculum quality international education.
Actually, the international standard of education is not just education that uses the international language. Not only on his skin. International education should not merely promote the use of foreign languages. International education should be interpreted with the education that makes their students to think openly and international, open and internationally minded. International minded in it where their students will eventually become a human being 'international citizens' or the term as a global citizen. Thus the international education is not just a mere skin, but rather the essence that lies within it, in learning.
In international education, curriculum that is applied is fine national curriculum, but in it were inserted for international education. That is, students are bombarded with education will live in peace in the world, upholding the values of humanity, given the meaning of international peace, and direction of a better life. Form this kind of education not in education theory, but must be applied in practice.
In the four pillars of education in UNESCO, there are four basic education, namely: Learning to Know (learning to learn); Learning to Do (Learning to act); Learning to Be (Learning to be (someone); and Learning to Live Together ( Learning to live together.) Four basic is our grip in the implementation of all educational curricula in our country.
The question now is whether our education system is already referring to it? Does the introduction of new systems, Competency-Based Curriculum, would later appear virtuous human Indonesia and internationally minded? All of this is our homework together.
Basic Program International Baccalaureate Organization / IB-PYP (International Baccalaureate-Primary Years Programme)
Is-PYP Primary Years Programme, a program derived from the International Baccalaureate organization is a non-profit and based in Geneva. There are five parts of the world as a child branch of the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization), and Indonesia entered parts of the Asia Pacific based in Singapore. This program has been implemented by more than 1500 schools in over 115 countries. PYP is designed for students aged 3-12 years, which is equivalent to pre-school / kindergarten and elementary / primary school. In addition to PYP, MYP IBO has a program (Middle Years Programme) for the junior high and high school age students (11-16 years) and Diploma for ages 16-18 years.
In Indonesia has many schools are implementing this program. Especially those in large cities, from Medan, Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Surabaya and Bali. This program is not only implemented in schools with an international setting but can also be applied in schools berseting different. Even in Australia, the program is also implemented in government-owned schools. Most schools in Indonesia are implementing PYP is a label used to identify themselves with the National School-Plus. Although until now are still many schools who introduced himself as the National School-Plus. PYP program truly international standard course in the real sense, because in this program in addition to applying the lessons of English as one of the subjects, mother tongue, in this case the Indonesian-when applied in Indonesia, still must be used. Protégé must still be introduced to local culture and should still be invited to think about what's around locally. But at the same time, this program makes students to think internationally by bringing them to care about the existing situation in the outside world - Act locally, think globally. Also a way to teach students the differences among, and with how to implement profiles in humans leading to a better life.
PYP student profile is a 'knowledgeable (knowledgeable); curious (Inquirer) who dare to take risks (a risk-taker); caring (caring) but still principled (principle); genuine thinkers (thinker) are open-minded ( open-minded); balanced physical-mental-spiritual (well-balanced); able to communicate (communicator); also could reflect (reflective).
In the PYP, integrated lessons (as interdisciplinary) with a fine. Between language lessons (both Indonesian and English), Social and Scientific Education, Arts and Physical Education and Skills established a good correlation as arranged by the unit of learning. There are six units that students learn at different levels in one school year, ranging from discussing ourselves as human beings until the discussion about our life on earth to share and maintain sources of limited natural wealth with others. Six unit is Who We Are / Who We Are, Where We Are In Place and Time / Where We At Specific Place and Time, How We Express Ourselves / How We Express Ourselves, How The World Works / How the World Works, How We Organize Ourselves / How We Organize Ourselves and How We Share the Planet / How Do We Share the Planet.
In pembelajaranya, PYP using everything in the class (both teachers and friends) and outside the classroom (the family and the environment) as sources of learning. So instead of learning resources is limited to books alone. Often the environment that we do not expect as a learning resource, can be a wonderful learning resource. A concrete example is when the discussion of How We Express Ourselves unit, about the way of communicating either with or without words, on the occasion of the learners are invited to visit friends in need (who can not hear and speak / deaf-mute and also who can not see - blind). In his interaction with students who lack this, in addition to learning about how to communicate in a different form, the PYP students indirectly learn how to accept differences and shortcomings of others. Directly and real, all students (both deficiency and who is not) learn to share the true meaning. They shared a sense, of course, share stories and share experiences.
'Experience is the best teacher'. So says the proverb. But it is true also, because the students who sit in primary school are those who are young and fresh in the face and live. With direct experience, then the meaning of learning becomes more significant and meaningful.
PYP and the CBC
PYP using the CBC system. PYP placing students as learning subjects. Not as an object. Students are placed at the top level. Students as the center of learning. Protégé must also play an active role. Students are invited into a learning setting that terdesain to see the capabilities and competencies of individual students, because every student is different. Every child is unique.
PYP and CBC are both applying activity-based learning / learning-based activities. So that the students are active duty 'work' to gain knowledge, find the concept and honing skills, without forgetting the values of behavioral / Attitudes.
Same. PYP and the CBC also both have the purpose of educating students to be truly man, who has a formidable individual skills and are able to solve problems (problem solver) without having to wait is given, also humans who do not leave the sides of the value of humanity (humanity profile) that open and internationally minded.
In the PYP there is the term 'inquiry based learning' is learning by inquiry. Said inquiry means 'rather find out'. Its application in teaching and learning is the learners are invited to have a curiosity about things that did not already know through active learning and terseting in an atmosphere of research / research simple. Protégé will be invited to think, and experience. By doing your own, then learners will be better able to interpret the meaning of true learning. Inquiry - rather find out by learning - this can be implemented in the CBC.
To have properties like learning, the learners should be placed into a safe, comfortable and enjoyable. The atmosphere is enjoy-ful, fun but healthy is a PYP classroom settings and the CBC. Students will enjoy learning. Learning rather than of necessity, because they have to memorize the contents pages of books, and not just because it will have a test on the next day, but they really enjoy learning. The students would eventually become a human being glad to learn throughout their lives (life-long Learners). It is the hope of us all, is not it?
The role of educators in the concept of international education
In its application in the curriculum, the CBC can go into all learning activities. Curriculum (a) Based on the ability of educators of students must be seen as a basic step to the next level. In a sense, every individual is not the same. There are fast in terms of capturing the meaning of learning, but some are slow. Anyone have unique learning styles, for example like to hear rather than writing, then educators must recognize this learning style. There are also students who are reluctant to do activities because they felt their ability had more than his friends, so once again the pendidk duty to accommodate individual differences and uniqueness of their students in class.
Way or the strategy adopted in the PYP and the CBC are the same. Namely the relationship between educators and the child must be a close and healthy relationships. It should be underlined that the educator was not a man who knows all about science, nor a man to be feared (but respected), but the role of educators is the same with the children, ie, they are both learners. And vice versa, students must open and dare to ask educators about what he wanted to know.
Educators must provide opportunities for students to express ideas or thoughts. There are students who are very open, as it was already so his personality, but there are also students who are introverts. Thus educators must wait and guides.
The task of educators and students in setting the CBC are as learners are equally active, both individually and corporately. Sometimes individual activities run well, because it was terseting from scratch in a supportive atmosphere. For instance in a class atmosphere of harmony with the class rules are adhered to by all members of the class. But sometimes, plan learning activities do not go according to expectations. All this is perfectly natural. Both in the PYP and the CBC, all of the learning process must be understood. Not only look at the product or end result, but process over product also important to reflect. Then the education that makes students who have an open mind and international, must still be applied, the true meaning of international education.
The role of educators in the classroom is as a mentor, facilitator / guide, motivator and evaluator as well as students' abilities. On the other hand, the role of educators is as pendisain and implementing curriculum, and of course as a class manager and protégé.
In international education, educators must be good at tucking the values of humanity into all subjects and in all activities in a sustainable manner. Activities must be designed so that students not only learn science, but also learn to value.
This task is certainly not light duty. Especially with the limited knowledge and understanding of us as human beings, but it would be nice if we share. Share in all the information and knowledge, so that everything we teach learners to truly meaningful.
With self-study (reading and discussion) as well as visiting schools that have implemented the CBC, it is expected that all educators have a similar understanding about the CBC. So that the 'international education' is not just the skin alone, but can be applied to all levels of schools that exist throughout the archipelago.
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